Spanish omelette

Gluten free..
Portions 4


4 eggs.
400 g of potato (2 medium potatoes).
½ onion
8 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
1 small spoonful of salt.


1. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan.
2. Peel and cut potatoes and onion into dice or even slices.
3. When the oil is about to pour potatoes and onions.
4. Heat potato and onion in oil and add a pinch of salt.
5. Beat the 4 eggs until they are sparkling and reserve in a bowl.
6. When the potato is completely cooked remove it from the oil, drain excess oil with a colander, reserve the oil and add the potato to the egg.
7. Mix the potatoes and egg with the help of a fork.
8. In the same pan add a tablespoon of the oil reserved and when it is hot, pour the mixed potatoes and egg.
9. Cook over medium heat and turn the tortilla with the help of a flat lid to cook the other side.

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